I cannot believe that my babies have already started their new school. Where did the time go? I cannot believe that my little girl is starting a Kindergarten. It was just like yesterday when Noah started his Kindergarten in Brookwood Elementary...He took the bus by himself and just like that he started his first school with no fear on his shoulder. Leah on the other hand had it just a tad easier :) Two days prior to school, me and Leah practiced the bus route together so that she was confident and ready for her first bus drive to school on Monday. Of course she also had her brother by her side, which I'm sure made things easier on her :)) The bus came at 7:05am and just like that my two little people were on their way to their school adventure. I tried to smile as i waved my goodbyes to them in the morning but as soon as i got home, my tears broke loose and I spent the next few hours crying and missing them horribly. I did pulled myself together at some point and managed to do some chores before it was time for me and Nayla to walk to the drive stop to pick the kids from the bus :)) Anyways, apparently they had a great first day at school and I am so proud of both of them. I love you guys from here to the MOON and BACK.
The bags ready...
Magic Confetti spread all over the kids beds to help them sleep extra deep at night :)
And the following day!
Walking to our bus stop (which is literally across from our house).
The neighborhood friends :))
Nayla waiting for the kids to get back from school :)