Saturday, September 27, 2014

Noah's science experiment: Making magical mud

We have been making glowing "magical mud” for the last hour an a half from potatoes tonight.
Man what a mess. Not sure if i can take more of Noah’s science experiments for a while ;) Last time we tried making magical green, crystal rocks but unfortunately nothing has formed :( I really hope we can be successful with this magical mud this time because Noah would be very disappointed otherwise :)

Our science experiment: After we chopped  the bag of potatoes into tiny chunks, we poured hot water over them and after about 10 minutes we drained it. This separated the potato water from the chunks where u could see a strange white layer that appeared on the bottom of the bowl. This new, white layer is the ‘magical goo” that supposedly with the addition of tonic water will turn into a “magical, glowing mud” we can play with. The “glowing magic” happens with the bottle of tonic water because it contains the quinine- which makes the water fluorescent. If u turn on the black light, u will see that the water fluoresces and the whole tonic water looks completely magical. If you add few spoons of the magical, white powder into the tonic water, the goo becomes fluorescent :)

So now, we need to wait 2 more days until our goo turns into a powder that we can mix with the tonic water for the magical effect :) Can’t wait to see what happens.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Noah's 1st Day of Kindergarden

"You're off to great places, today is your day. Your Mountain is waiting, so get on your way"- Dr. Seuss

My boy was simply AMAZING on his first day of school. He was such a trooper. Not once he told me that he is afraid to go to school or afraid to ride a bus. I thought he is suppose to ride a bus so I took him to the bus stop and off he went to school all by himself. I couldn't hold my tears back.  (I found out later that a LOT of kids didn't take a bus even up to month b/c they were scared). It was like yesterday when my little angel was born and to think that he is starting kindergarten just simply mind blowing. I was thinking about him the entire day. Me and Leah sat at home in the morning and then later we went to Target to pick up a little surprise for Noah, we also made a nice dinner for him and baked him some cookies. Then at at 3:30pm we went to a bus stop to pick him up. He was soo sweet. He said he had a good day at school and that he liked it. Ever since he has been riding the bus each morning (except just several days when we run late and I drove him there) and is willingly going to school. His teacher Ms.Borne told me today (during our parent/teacher conference) that Noah is a sweetheart, his writing is progressing, he knows his sight words and is starting to read and write...All this happened within a month. I can totally see a big improvement in him. He is very curious and inquisitive about everything. He asks me questions that sometimes i have to really think about before i answer such as "where does the water go after it falls down from the sky", "how far is the moon", "what happened to Lilly after she died", "how i can learn to be a time traveler", "where does God live, and why up there in the sky?", etc. I can see a big potential in this boy. He loves learning. Ms. Borne said that we just have to practice some coloring at home b/c apparently Noah does not like to color. I'm so surprised i thought all kids love coloring. I did as a child. Even Leah does not seem to really care about it. I wonder why? On his last project he rushed and colored all his project in blue color (houses, trees, people) everything was scribbled in blue. Ms. Borne told Noah to redo it and not to rush so much to finish. We definitely will be practicing some coloring now :)) I love you to the moon and back. I am so proud of you! You really are a trooper! Fearless and confident! I should learn a thing or two from you buddy :) I LOVE YOU.

Monday, August 4, 2014

Random photo of the kids

The kids were so cute climbing on the tree with Romeo. This cat has such enormous patience for these two (especially for Leah) He is the sweetest cat I've ever seen. He truly is like a rag-doll, you can do anything with him and not once does he snap on anybody. Both kids adore him. I think Romeo likes Noah a lot! He is little scared of Leah at this point :) she is kind of rough with him-  she puts him into her stroller, rolls over him, squeezes him and basically drives him nuts :) Noah is little more gentle. Nevertheless I think that Romeo likes the kids. He follows them everywhere. When they go upstairs, so does he, when they are outside and he is inside, he will cry so loud that wanting or not, I have to open the door for him :) Yes the cat is perfect minus the crying/yelling early in the morning or at night when he is not being let into one of the rooms. I have never heard a cat cry that loud :)