Wednesday, August 15, 2018

I hope you dance!

Leah before her dance party at Rhythm Dance. She is so excited about her upcoming dance classes next week and I am excited for her. Like really excited :) I love dancing but as a little girl i never gotten the chance to take dance classes so I'm happy to be reliving my childhood dreams through Leah's eyes. She loves dancing. There is not a day in a week that she doesn't dance in our living room. She just sets up her little karaoke machine, turns on her jojo siwa or dancing moms music and can literally dance for hours (frequently changing her outfits that is :) So this semester she is taking a Hip Hop dance and Contemporary dance. Can't wait to see you in a class Leah. I am so proud of you Sweetheart and i love you from here to the moon and back.

"I hope you still feel small
When you stand by the ocean
Whenever one door closes, I hope one more opens
Promise me you'll give fate a fighting chance
And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance
I hope you dance".
I hope you always dance my Darling!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Bye My Sweet Angels...

"You're off to great places, today is your day. Your mountain is waiting so...get on your way" (Dr. Seuss").

So off they go again...Noah to 4th grade and Leah to 2nd. I'm a one sad mama today. Every year at this time when the kids go back to school, it's hard for me to say bye to them. I get a little melancholic and start thinking ahead of the time, my imagination running rampant as I keep visualizing the impending day when my kids graduate from high school and move away...and I am left alone.

I cannot imagine myself being anything other then their mama. What is going to happen to me when they no longer need me? Who will I be without taking care of them? Obviously I haven't figured that one out yet and every time I think of it, I feel a wave of uncomfortable emotions washing all over me.
Today I got up super early, made a breakfast and lunch for my babies, lit up our porch lights and then we sat there quietly by the candlelight and ate our breakfast (It was actually Noah who requested that we light the candle Leah has brought me as a gift from Cayman Islands earlier this summer). Afterwards, the three of us walked downstairs to our bus stop conveniently located across the street from our house. We could see from a distance that all the kids from our street were already there and few minutes later the yellow bus arrived. I kissed the children goodbyes and I love you's and I watched them disappearing into the bus, into their new big adventure, into their new lives. I stood there on a street until the bus made a u-turn and I wave to the kids one last time and I watched the bus slowly driving away. Sudden wave of sadness flashed through my body. Will this ever get better?

As a way of dealing with this particular issue, I even thought of homeschooling the children. Putting my life of hold for them seemed like a perfect sacrifice for me worthy of undertaking. Over the last year, I have spent numerable days fantasizing about homeschooling and offering the kids the gift of education different from the public school system. I went over different teaching curriculums and even set on a one I liked the most. I wanted to be the best mom I can be and that in my opinion included the homeschooling. Studies show that kids who are home schooled perform better on standardized tests, excel in college and become successful, self-directed learners. All this sounds great but the only problem is that my kids do not want to be home schooled. To be more specific, Noah is the one who is strongly against it. He says he likes his friends and doesn't want to become antisocial like me! I tried to talk to him about it many times, explaining that there is absolutely no truth to the accusation that homeschooling harms children socially but so far he is not interested in it at all. I keep hoping that by the time he finishes the elementary school, he will change his mind. I find all the social statistics on school culture concerning drinking, drugs, sex and violence very alarming.

The truth is that I also want to spend more time with the children before they are too grown up and no longer have a desire to hang out with their mama. I want to bottle them up so no one could ever hurt them. Like all bottles, they are fragile and would easily break if dropped a few feet from the ground so I just want to protect them. But deep down I know that their future pain is inevitable and that it will not be my failure. Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh once said: " No Mud, No Lotus", which means that the mud allows us the opportunity for growth and transformation. The mud doesn't smell good but the lotus flower does-if there is no mud, there is also no lotus flower. It is the same with our emotions. If we can't experience suffering, we will never be able to experience true joy.
More than anything, I want for my kids to grow into a kind, brave and resilient human beings but they won't develop these warrior qualities by playing small and safe in the world. These qualities are created through pain, struggle and suffering. The most brave and resilient people I know are those who have overcame extreme pain and adversity and converted their suffering to a blessing they later used to their advantage. Gandhi once said that "It's a privilege to have lived a difficult life".

Am I trying to protect the children from the one thing that could make them more resilient and alive? Glennon Doyle have said that "Maybe our job as parents is not to protect our kids from pain, but to hold their hands and walk into their pain with them". What a revolutionary statement that is. I need to remember this.

Monday, July 23, 2018

St. Augustine family session

 Our quick and impromptu family session with Marta on our last day in St. Augustine. It wasn't easy because the kids kept playing around and laughing but we did it. What an amazing memory to have with my sweet munchkins. Love it!

Monday, July 31, 2017

Leah's 1st day of 1st grade/Noah's 1st day of 3rd grade....

My babies are heading to school again. Where did the summer go? As always...I am very sad to see them go. We have spent the entire summer together, day after day, hour after hour. We had so much fun but now I have to say bye to them again because they will be at school daily until 2:40pm. I will be waiting for the Big Yellow Bus to arrive. I love you and I am so proud of you.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Leah's first day of Kindergarden! Noah's first day of a 2nd Grade!

 I cannot believe that my babies have already started their new school. Where did the time go? I cannot believe that my little girl is starting a Kindergarten. It was just like yesterday when Noah started his Kindergarten in Brookwood Elementary...He took the bus by himself and just like that he started his first school with no fear on his shoulder. Leah on the other hand had it just a tad easier :) Two days prior to school, me and Leah practiced the bus route together so that she was confident and ready for her first bus drive to school on Monday. Of course she also had her brother by her side, which I'm sure made things easier on her :)) The bus came at 7:05am and just like that my two little people were on their way to their school adventure. I tried to smile as i waved my goodbyes to them in the morning but as soon as i got home, my tears broke loose and I spent the next few hours crying and missing them horribly. I did pulled myself together at some point and managed to do some chores before it was time for me and Nayla to walk to the drive stop to pick the kids from the bus :)) Anyways, apparently they had a great first day at school and I am so proud of both of them. I love you guys from here to the MOON and BACK.

Noah's 1st Day of Kindergarten/Leah's 1st Day of Kindergarten
 The bags ready...

Magic Confetti spread all over the kids beds to help them sleep extra deep at night :)

And the following day!

 Walking to our bus stop (which is literally across from our house).
 The neighborhood friends :))

 Nayla waiting for the kids to get back from school :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Happy 7th Birthday Noah!!!!

Happy 7th Birthday to the most AMAZING little boy I have ever come to know. Seven Years ago today, I saw your face for the very first time and I fell madly in love! You have always been my small dude, my sweet baby boy, my handsome. If I was given a list of qualities I might gift to you, at the top would be kindness. Kindness wins. Leading with your heart as you almost always do is amazing! Noah- I learn more from you and your sister every day than I could possibly have imagined. You allow me to see the world from a different height, through open, honest eyes. You love purely, you give unconditionally and play hard with all of your heart. If only each and every adult I knew subscribed to your life philosophies, this world would be a better place. Did I mention I don’t want you to grow up? That I don’t want you to ever stop snuggling with me at night? That I don’t ever want you to stop saying, “I love you, My Mommy” in the middle of the day? That I hope you won’t ever be embarrassed to run and jump in my arms in celebration after winning a game?
Of all the little boys in the world, Noah, you have my heart. Happy 7th birthday, my sweet small dude…. I love you very, very much.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Noah's science experiment: Making magical mud

We have been making glowing "magical mud” for the last hour an a half from potatoes tonight.
Man what a mess. Not sure if i can take more of Noah’s science experiments for a while ;) Last time we tried making magical green, crystal rocks but unfortunately nothing has formed :( I really hope we can be successful with this magical mud this time because Noah would be very disappointed otherwise :)

Our science experiment: After we chopped  the bag of potatoes into tiny chunks, we poured hot water over them and after about 10 minutes we drained it. This separated the potato water from the chunks where u could see a strange white layer that appeared on the bottom of the bowl. This new, white layer is the ‘magical goo” that supposedly with the addition of tonic water will turn into a “magical, glowing mud” we can play with. The “glowing magic” happens with the bottle of tonic water because it contains the quinine- which makes the water fluorescent. If u turn on the black light, u will see that the water fluoresces and the whole tonic water looks completely magical. If you add few spoons of the magical, white powder into the tonic water, the goo becomes fluorescent :)

So now, we need to wait 2 more days until our goo turns into a powder that we can mix with the tonic water for the magical effect :) Can’t wait to see what happens.